JAG TV Scripts


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1ST SEASON: pilot  * skeleton crew aka death watch

2ND SEASON: cowboys & cossacks * force recon * heroes * jinx * secrets

3RD SEASON: against all enemies * chains of command * clipped wings * defenseless * the return of jimmy blackhorse * someone to watch over annie * the stalker * tiger, tiger * wedding bell blues * with intent to die * yesterday’s heroes

4TH SEASON: act of terror * angels 30 * the black jet * dungaree justice * embassy * going after francesca * goodbyes * jaggle bells *the martin-baker fan club * mr. rabb goes to washington * nobody’s child * people v. mac * river’s run * second sight * shakedown * silent service * war stories * webb of lies * yeah baby

5TH SEASON: body talk * boomerang ($15) * the bridge at kang so ri (page 54 is very dark) * cabin pressure * the colonel’s wife * contemptuous words * front and center * king of the greenie board * life or death * overdue and presumed lost * people v. gunny * psychic warrior * the return * rogue * rules of engagement * true callings

6TH SEASON: adrift * baby, it’s cold outside * collision course * family secrets * flight risk * florida straits * jag tv * killer instinct * legacy-part 1 * legacy-part 2 * lifeline * miracles * mutiny * past tense * retreat, hell * salvation * a separate peace-part 1 * a separate peace-part 2 * touch and go * valor

7TH SEASON: adrift-part 2 * ambush * answered prayers * capital crime * code of conduct * defending his honor * dog robber-part 1 * dog robber-part 2 * enemy below * exculpatory evidence * first casualty * guilt * head to toe * hero worship * in country * jagathon * the measure of men * the mission * mixed messages * new gun in town * odd man out * port chicago * redemption * tribunal

8TH SEASON: all ye faithful * complications * critical condition * dangerous game * each of us angels * empty quiver * family business * fortunate son * friendly fire * heart and soul * ice queen * in thin air * the killer * lawyers, guns and money * meltdown * need to know * offensive action * pas de deux * the promised land * ready or not * second acts * standards of conduct * a tangled webb-part 1 * when the bough breaks

9TH SEASON: back in the saddle * the boast * close quarters * coming home * crash * fighting words * a girl’s best friend * good intentions * hail and farewell (missing page 16) * hard time * a merry little christmas * the one that got away * posse comitatus * persian gulf * pulse rate * secret agent man * shifting sands * take it like a man * a tangled webb-part 2 * touchdown * trojan horse * what if

10TH SEASON: automatic for the people * bridging the gulf * camp delta * corporate raiders * death at the mosque * dream team * fair winds and following seas * fit for duty * the four percent solution * hail and farewell, part 2 * heart of darkness * jag: san diego * the man on the bridge * one big boat * retrial * the sixth juror * straits of malacca * there goes the neighborhood * this just in from baghdad * two towns * unknown soldier * whole new ball game


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