Becker TV Scripts


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1ST SEASON: pilot * activate your choices * drive they said * larry spoke * p.c. world * saving harvey cohen * scriptus interruptus

2ND SEASON:  all the rage * the bearer of bad tidings * cyrano  de-beckerac * linda quits * my boyfriend’s back * old yeller * the roast that ruined them * santa on ice * shovel off to buffalo

3RD SEASON: beckerethics * elder hostile * the film critic * the more you know * nocturnal omissions * one wong move * pretty poison * the princess cruise * small wonder * smoke ‘em if you got ‘em * sue you * superbob * the tormentor * trials and defibrillations * the trouble with harry * 2001 ½; a graduation odyssey * the ugly truth * the usual suspects * what indifference a day makes * the wrong man

4TH SEASON: another tricky day * barter sauce * the buddy system * dinner and a showdown * the ex-files * get me out of here * the ghost of christmas presents * it had to be ew * jake’s jaunt * let’s talk about sex * picture imperfect * psycho therapy * really good advice * v-day

5TH SEASON: and the heartbeat goes on * atlas shirked * do the right thing * the 100th * someone’s in the kitchen with reggie

6TH SEASON: afterglow * sister spoils the turkey * spontaneous combustion * unbearable wrongness of talking

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